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Biotin 300 MG

Biotin 300 MG

Regular price Lek 1,764.60
Regular price Lek 2,076.00 Sale price Lek 1,764.60
-15% Soon
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Nutritional supplement that helps maintain hair, skin and mucous membranes.

Biotin also known as vitamin B7 is a very important part of the B vitamin complex that contributes to the maintenance of hair, skin and mucous membranes, normal functioning of the nervous system and normal psychological functioning.

  • It has the same essential function in normal macronutrient metabolism and in energy metabolism.
  • Biotin or vitamin H is the vitamin of beauty and freshness. It is a water soluble vitamin.
  • Good sources of vitamin H are egg yolks, yeast, oats, nuts, offal such as liver or kidneys, chocolate and most vegetables.

Biotin is the active ingredient which participates in many enzymatic reactions such as the important binding in the Krebs cycle. Participates in the processes of energy release from glucose. Biotin as a coenzyme, participates in the synthesis of fatty acids and purines in the body. It is worth noting that it also participates in the production of antibodies and supports the action of the immune system.
Symptoms of Biotin Deficiency:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Mucosal infections
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches
  • Urticaria
  • discomfort
  • Increased blood cholesterol levels.

It is known that older people, athletes and epileptics have lower levels of biotin in their blood and need to take a certain daily dose of biotin.

Recommended to be used by

  • All persons having biotin insufficiency.
  • Persons with damaged hair, skin or nails.
  • Diabetics.
  • People with diabetic neuropathy problems.
  • People suffering from depression.
  • People with difficulty sleeping.

The recommended dose is 1 tablet per day, during meals

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